8th Grade Field Trip to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center Our 8th-grade students recently had a wonderful experience during their field trip to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center. This trip was an important part of our Social Studies and Language Arts curriculum, providing a powerful, hands-on learning opportunity that brought history to life. In their Social Studies classes, students have been delving into the era of abolitionism and the Underground Railroad. Through this unit, they have learned about the perseverance, strength, and courage displayed by individuals who fought to end slavery. Meanwhile, in Language Arts, students have been exploring the Civil Rights Movement and the lives of Freedom Fighters. They have read and discussed stories that highlight the struggle for justice and equality, drawing connections between past and present efforts to combat oppression. The visit to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center allowed our students to see the intersection of their studies in a dynamic and impactful way. At the center, they explored several exhibits that detailed how slavery shaped U.S. history. This field trip not only reinforced the historical knowledge our students have gained in the classroom but also encouraged them to think critically about their role in shaping a more equitable future. It was a day filled with learning, reflection, and inspiration, leaving a lasting impact on our students. We extend our thanks to staff members Brooke Wilson and Abigail Forry who organized this meaningful experience. We look forward to more opportunities to engage our students with hands-on learning experiences that connect classroom studies to real-world applications.

8th Grade Field Trip to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Our 8th-grade students recently had a wonderful experience during their field trip to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center. This trip was an important part of our Social Studies and Language Arts curriculum, providing a powerful, hands-on learning opportunity that brought history to life.

In their Social Studies classes, students have been delving into the era of abolitionism and the Underground Railroad. Through this unit, they have learned about the perseverance, strength, and courage displayed by individuals who fought to end slavery. Meanwhile, in Language Arts, students have been exploring the Civil Rights Movement and the lives of Freedom Fighters. They have read and discussed stories that highlight the struggle for justice and equality, drawing connections between past and present efforts to combat oppression.

The visit to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center allowed our students to see the intersection of their studies in a dynamic and impactful way. At the center, they explored several exhibits that detailed how slavery shaped U.S. history. This field trip not only reinforced the historical knowledge our students have gained in the classroom but also encouraged them to think critically about their role in shaping a more equitable future. It was a day filled with learning, reflection, and inspiration, leaving a lasting impact on our students.

We extend our thanks to staff members Brooke Wilson and Abigail Forry who organized this meaningful experience. We look forward to more opportunities to engage our students with hands-on learning experiences that connect classroom studies to real-world applications.