Heather Bakkar


Guiding the Wheels of Safety and Care at Mt. Healthy City Schools

Heather Bakkar, the Transportation Director at Mt. Healthy City School District, possesses a profound dedication to the safety and well-being of students under her care. With over 19 years of experience in the field of transportation, Heather's journey began at the young age of 23, following in the footsteps of her mother, who retired as a driver from the same district. Heather's connection to Mt. Healthy City Schools runs deep. As an alumna of the district herself, she grew up in Mt. Healthy, attended school there, and currently resides in the community. Building upon her family legacy and driven by a desire to serve her community, Heather found her calling in the transportation department.

In her role as the Transportation Director, Heather ensures the safe transportation of students, but she also goes beyond that. Her responsibilities encompass motivating and counseling her staff, monitoring their progress, and addressing their needs. She recognizes that drivers face a unique challenge — they have a mobile class of students, each with different needs and ages, seated behind them in the rearview mirror. Heather's focus is on preparing and supporting her drivers to handle this significant responsibility with care and compassion.

Safety and efficiency are paramount in the transportation services provided by Mt. Healthy City Schools. Heather instills two mottos in her team that serve as their moral compass: "Safety is an attitude, it's not what we do, it is who we are," and "We do the right thing because it's the right thing to do." These mottos reinforce the unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being of every student in their care. Under Heather's leadership, the transportation department continuously strives to enhance services within the district. Monthly trainings on various safety and logistical topics are conducted, ensuring ongoing skill development and proficiency. Heather emphasizes that safety is not merely a task but an attitude, a core value that defines their actions.

Effective communication is vital for maintaining a strong relationship with parents, students, and staff members. Heather maintains an open-door policy, and designated staff members are available to address communications and responsibilities promptly. Drivers are encouraged to communicate with parents during stops, pick-ups, and drop-offs, forging personal connections within the community. Living and working in the same community, transportation staff often frequent the same stores as the students and attend their events, creating a sense of familiarity and trust.

Heather believes in celebrating the achievements of students. Drivers play a pivotal role by recognizing students who demonstrate good behavior, commendable actions, and accomplishments. They arrange transportation for students to attend graduation ceremonies and highlight birthdays. A group called "Bus Lot Babies" takes pride in engaging with students beyond transportation, showing their unwavering support. Throughout her tenure, Heather has witnessed numerous acts of kindness and generosity from her transportation staff. These include training drivers in other districts, volunteering to drive for different locations, and providing assistance to families in need, whether through donations or support during difficult times.

To be a successful Transportation Director, Heather emphasizes the importance of patience, grace, organization, and multitasking. Her leadership embodies these qualities, ensuring that the transportation department operates smoothly while maintaining a strong focus on student safety and well-being. Heather continues to inspire her team to go above and beyond their duties, delivering students safely and fostering a caring environment within Mt. Healthy City Schools.

Check out the transportation page here for information: https://www.mthcs.org/page/tra...