Links to Resources for Parents of Middle Childhood

Resources for Educational Engagement


Here are some resources that may help you and your child on their journey to success. 

Progress Book 

Khan Academy

 Discovery Education

Public Library of Cincinnati Kids Space

Reading Rockets

ReadWriteThink Parent Resources 

Scholastic Parent Resources

Read Aloud Books

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at Mt. Healthy Elementary Schools for grades 3-6

Each day building staff teach and reinforce the school wide expectation. Through a building wide focus on PBIS we develop positive student behavior through instruction, incentives, and regular practice.

The Elementary Schools the school-wide behavioral expectations are as follows:

I am Safe…       

I am Kind…

I am Responsible…

During school, MTHCS elementary students are taught our school-wide expectations for all areas of the school. The classroom, restroom, cafeteria, hallways, bus, computer lab, media center, playground and at assemblies are all settings where students are taught to act in a safe, kind and responsible way. Through direct instruction students are taught what “it looks and sounds like” to be safe, kind and responsible at school

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at Mt. Healthy Junior High School

Students who attend Mount Healthy Jr/Sr. High School work to develop a positive school culture conducive to learning that is built on trust and hard work. MTH Jr/Sr. staff are dedicated to teaching and developing students into positive members of our community. To achieve these goals, staff teach our students and exhibit the following essential skills and tools needed to be competitive in today’s society;

  1. Continuous learning,

  2. Problem solving,

  3. Conflict resolution,

  4. Technology literacy,

  5. Listening,

  6. Team building and

  7. Leadership.

In addition, all staff and students are team builders and leaders committed to being positive role models for others. ALL stakeholders are engaged as active and curious learners who embrace the rich diversity of the world around them in pursuit of excellence.  MTHCS students pursue the development of leadership through the eight pillars of character. These pillars are the guide that creates the framework for student learning and success! Eight Pillars of Character are as follows”

1. Integrity

2. Respect

3. Trustworthiness

4. Hard Work

5. Responsibility

6. Caring

7. Good Citizenship

8. Ownership


Parents, you can support MTHCS PBIS and your child’s positive behavior be doing the following:

Review the school wide expectations with your child.

Be sure your child is ready for school after a good night’s sleep.

Ask your child about her school day each day.

Stay in touch with your child’s teacher.

Encourage your child to use appropriate language and tone with everyone.

Practice positive phrases, such as, “Thank you,” “Excuse me,” “Please,” and “I’m sorry.”

Be a visible part of your child’s school day.

Attend school meetings and other activities as your schedule allows.

See your students’ building principal about specific PBIS school activities.