Health Screenings

MTHCS Health Services staff conduct yearly vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings.  Vision and hearing screenings are Ohio Department of Health mandated.  Scoliosis screening is a recommended screening by the Ohio Department of Health.  All of these screenings are done to help facilitate early detection of health impairments. The screenings are not examinations. If a student does not pass the screening, a referral will be sent home with the recommendation that the parent/guardian make an appointment with a medical professional who will examine the child and determine if any treatment is required. Scoliosis screenings will occur for female students in sixth grade and male student in seventh grade.

Vision Screenings - Children Include:

Hearing Screening - Children Include:

1. All children in kindergarten, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grades.

1. Preschool-age children attending our school-based program.

2. All new students regardless of grade and not tested within the past 12 months.

2. School-aged children in kindergarten, first, third, fifth and ninth grades.

3. All hearing impaired children, annually.

3. All new students regardless of grade and not tested within the past 12 months.

4. Students referred by a teacher or other school personnel.

4. Students referred by a teacher or other school personnel.

5. Preschool-age children attending our school-based program.

5. Students who were referred within the past year with no documented follow-up.

6. Children who request a vision screening.

6. Students who request a hearing screening.

7. Children whose parents request a vision hearing.

7. Students whose parents request a hearing screening.

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