On a brisk afternoon in November, staff members from Mt. Healthy City School District visited Tikkun Farm in Mt. Healthy. The reason for the visit? To gather and enjoy refreshments together as well as to learn about Tikkun Farm’s mission within the Mt. Healthy community. Located in the heart of Mt. Healthy, the farm offers “a place of healing, restoration and repair cultivated through meaningful work and spiritual practices.” Mt. Healthy City School District partners with Tikkun Farm for educational programming, to hold events on the farm, and to allow students to connect and commune with nature in their own backyard. Mt. Healthy teachers and staff took a tour of the farm and greeted several different animals that live on the land including the five alpacas, a couple of turkeys, the two pigs, and the plethora of chickens. It was a fantastic experience for the teachers and staff who were gathering ways to bring this exploration to their students.

Mt. Healthy City School District Staff Visit Tikkun Farm
November 22, 2021